Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Speed of Sound 


 Verify the speed of sound.


Logger Pro with Microphone
Long Tube
Meter Stick

Tube plus microphone set-up


A trial

Another trial
To perform this lab the long tube was lain horizontally and the microphone placed at one end of it. A sound was then produced, using logger pro the sound was recorded graphically. The time from the first large peak (beginning of snap) to the first big peak of the second sharp area ( beginning of snap echo) was recorded. This time along with with the recorded length of the tube was used to calculate the speed of sound using distance/time = velocity. This was repeated six times in order to 
find an average value. using speed of sound formula, where v is the temperature, 25 degrees celsius in this case the speed of sound was theoretically calculated to be 332.34476. when compared to the average result of this experiment and using,[ (Theoritcal - Experimental)/0.5(Theoritcal + Experimental)] x 100. A percent error of 11.26351551%. this somewhat high percent error can be attributed to the in precise method of determining the time.

Speed of Sound Formula

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